चेसिस नंबर बताएगा गाडी कितनी पुरानी है || Chassis Number Will tell the actual Age of Your Vehicle
क्या आप जानना चाहते हैं कि आपका वाहन कितना पुराना है? इसका उत्तर आपके वाहन के चेसिस नंबर, जिसे VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) भी कहा जाता है, में छिपा है। यह अद्वितीय 17-अक्षरीय कोड आपके वाहन के बारे में आवश्यक जानकारी प्रदान करता है।
चेसिस नंबर क्या है?
चेसिस नंबर, या VIN, एक अल्फान्यूमेरिक कोड है जो आपके वाहन की विशेषताओं की पहचान करता है। इसमें वाहन की उम्र, निर्माण स्थान, मॉडल, और अन्य महत्वपूर्ण जानकारी शामिल होती है।
VIN का उपयोग करके वाहन की उम्र कैसे निर्धारित करें?
VIN में दसवां अक्षर वाहन के निर्माण वर्ष का प्रतिनिधित्व करता है। प्रत्येक अक्षर एक विशिष्ट वर्ष को दर्शाता है। महीने और वर्ष के कोड को डिकोड करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए तालिका का संदर्भ लें।
Want to know how old your vehicle is? The answer lies in your vehicle’s chassis number, also known as the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number). This unique 17-character code contains essential information about your vehicle.
What is a Chassis Number?
The chassis number, or VIN, is an alphanumeric code that identifies the characteristics of your vehicle. It includes details such as the vehicle’s age, place of manufacture, model, and other important information.
How to Determine Vehicle Age Using the VIN?
The tenth character in the VIN represents the vehicle’s manufacturing year. Each character corresponds to a specific year. Refer to the table below to decode the month and year codes.

Steps to Decode the VIN Online
- Open the website https://car.vindetails.info/.
- Go to the “Free VIN Number Lookup & Decoder Chassis Number Decoder India.” section.
- Enter your vehicle’s VIN number in the “Enter Your VIN” field.
- Click on the search icon.
- You will see the total age of your vehicle under “Vehicle Age“.
- The manufacturing date will be displayed, indicating the year the vehicle was made.
- The manufacturer’s name will be shown just above the vehicle’s age and manufacturing date.

Constituents of a VIN/Chassis Number
A VIN consists of 17 characters and follows the ISO Standard 3779. This code can be broken down into three main sections:
1. World Manufacturer Identifier (WMI)
The first three characters in a VIN represent:
- Country of Origin: For example, 1 or 4 denotes the USA, 2 for Canada, 3 for Japan, S for England, and W for Germany.
- Manufacturer: Some examples include A for Audi, B for BMW, 1 for Chevrolet, F for Ford, G for General Motors, H for Honda, D for Mercedes Benz, N for Nissan, S for Suzuki, and K for Kawasaki.
- Type of Vehicle: For motorcycles, this might be ‘1’ or ‘A’.
2. Vehicle Description Section (VDS)
The next six characters provide detailed information about the vehicle:
Fourth Character: Vehicle Category (Suzuki Example)
- C: Scooter
- B: Commuter or business model
- N: Single cylinder sport/street
- G: Multiple cylinder sport/street
- S: Off-road
Fifth Character: Engine Displacement (Suzuki Example)
- A: 49 cc and less
- B: 50 cc to 69 cc
- C: 70 cc to 79 cc
- D: 80 cc to 89 cc
- E: 90 cc to 99 cc
- F: 100 cc to 124 cc
- G: 125 cc to 149 cc
- H: 150 cc to 199 cc
- J: 200 cc to 249 cc
- K: 250 cc to 399 cc
- M: 400 cc to 499 cc
- N: 500 cc to 599 cc
- P: 600 cc to 699 cc
- R: 700 cc to 749 cc
- S: 750 cc to 849 cc
- T: 850 cc to 999 cc
- U: 1000 cc to 1099 cc
- V: 1100 cc to 1199 cc
- W: 1200 cc to 1299 cc
- Y: 1400 cc to 1499 cc
- Z: 1500 cc and above
Sixth Character: Engine Type (Suzuki Example)
- 1: 2 stroke single engine
- 2: 2 stroke twin engine
- 3: 2 stroke triple or quadruple engine
- 4: 4 stroke single engine
- 5: 4 stroke twin engine
Seventh Character: Design Sequence (Suzuki Example)
1: First design version
2: Second design version
10 and above: Represented with A, B, etc.
Eighth Character: Version of the Vehicle (Suzuki Example)
Ninth Character: VIN Accuracy Check Digit
3. Vehicle Identifier Section (VIS)
The final eight characters provide additional specific information:
Tenth Character: Year of Manufacture
Eleventh Character: Plant Code of Manufacture
Twelfth to Seventeenth Characters: Serial Number
How to Decode the VIN
Month and Year Codes
In a VIN, the manufacturing month and year are denoted by letters. For instance, ‘A’ represents January, ‘B’ represents February, and so on, while ‘A’ represents the year 2010, ‘B’ for 2011, etc.
Month Codes
Month | Code |
January | A |
February | B |
March | C |
April | D |
May | E |
June | F |
July | G |
August | H |
September | I |
October | J |
November | K |
December | L |
Year Codes
Year | Code |
2010 | A |
2011 | B |
2012 | C |
2013 | D |
2014 | E |
2015 | F |
2016 | G |
2017 | H |
2018 | I |
2019 | J |
2020 | K |
2021 | L |
2022 | M |
2023 | N |
2024 | O |
2025 | P |
2026 | Q |
For more detailed information and tools to decode your VIN, visit https://car.vindetails.info/.